- saccharolytic
- сахаролитический, расщепляющий сахар* * *расщепляющий сахар
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
saccharolytic — Capable of hydrolyzing or otherwise breaking down a sugar molecule. [saccharo + G. lysis, loosening] * * * sac·cha·ro·lyt·ic .sak ə rō lit ik adj breaking down sugars in metabolism with the production of energy <saccharolytic enzymes>… … Medical dictionary
saccharolytic — /sak euh roh lit ik/, adj. Chem. of or causing the hydrolysis of sugars. [1905 10; SACCHARO + LYTIC] * * * … Universalium
saccharolytic — adjective Breaking down carbohydrates for energy … Wiktionary
saccharolytic — adj. serving to break down sugars (Chemistry) … English contemporary dictionary
saccharolytic — sac·cha·ro·lyt·ic … English syllables
saccharolytic — /sækərəˈlɪtɪk/ (say sakuhruh litik) adjective 1. Chemistry of, or causing, the hydrolysis of sugars. 2. (of bacteria) using simple carbohydrates and starches as a source of energy …
saccharolytic — |sakərō|lid.ik adjective Etymology: sacchar + lytic of a microorganism : breaking down sugars as a source of energy in metabolism … Useful english dictionary
Gut flora — Escherichia coli, one of the many species of bacteria present in the human gut Gut flora consists of microorganisms that live in the digestive tracts of animals and is the largest reservoir of human flora. In this context, gut is synonymous with… … Wikipedia
Clostridium — A group of anaerobic bacteria (bacteria that thrive in the absence of oxygen). There are 100+ species of Clostridium. They include, for examples, Clostridium difficile, Clostridium perfringens (also called Clostridium welchii), and Clostridium… … Medical dictionary
Prevotella — Genus of Gram negative, nonmotile, nonsporeforming, obligately anaerobic, chemoorganotrophic, and pleomorphic rods; contains many species previously classified in the genus Bacteroides. P. bivia the species of P. in highest concentration in the… … Medical dictionary
Clostridium butyricum — is an anaerobic prokaryote that requires the absolute absence of oxygen to grow. It produces butyric acid which is an indicator of the presence of saccharolytic clostridia. It is an endospore former and can live under rough conditions. It gets… … Wikipedia